Pittsburg Tank & Tower Event Suite BC

Maximum Capacity


Library Branch

Henderson County Public Library

Event suite BC comfortably seats 80 at tables. Event suite BC features two 85" televisions.  The suite has access to the kitchenette.


The Pittsburg Tank & Tower Event Suite BC includes two 85” televisions and laptop.  You may use your own equipment so long as it supports an HDMI connection.  You also have access to a wireless or lapel microphone.


Users are required to set up the room's seating.

On narrow displays, the weekly room calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view room availability for the whole week.

Sun - 3/23

Mon - 3/24

Tue - 3/25

Wed - 3/26

Thu - 3/27

Fri - 3/28

Sat - 3/29