Fall Gardening: Tips for a Thriving Autumn Garden
Photo Disclaimer
The Henderson County Public Library (HCPL) occasionally uses photographs and/or video of patrons in its publications such as brochures, newsletters, magazines, web and social media sites, display boards, or other non-HCPL publications. By attending this program, you are granting HCPL permission to use your and/or your child’s image for future promotional materials/content for the library. By attending, you also understand that once your image is posted on the Internet, the image can be downloaded.
If you do not want your and/or your child’s photo taken, please contact Danielle Anguish for children’s programs at danguish@hcpl.org or (270) 826-3712 ext. 3. For teen programs please contact Glennese Patterson at gpatterson@hcpl.org or call (270) 826-3712 ext. 4.