USCT Monument Rededication

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Program Description

Event Details

The Monument Restoration Fund, under the oversight of the Friends of the Henderson County Public Library, continues the vision begun by the Henderson County Historical and Genealogical Society.  Its mission is to preserve cemetery monuments.  

We will gather in Henderson, Kentucky's Fernwood Cemetery Section 18 to rededicate the headstones of two United States Colored Troop members who served during the Civil War:  Sergeant Thomas Dixon Payne (1847–1917) and Lewis Posey (~1851–1921).


Photo Disclaimer

The Henderson County Public Library (HCPL) occasionally uses photographs and/or video of patrons in its publications such as brochures, newsletters, magazines, web and social media sites, display boards, or other non-HCPL publications. By attending this program, you are granting HCPL permission to use your and/or your child’s image for future promotional materials/content for the library. By attending, you also understand that once your image is posted on the Internet, the image can be downloaded. 

If you do not want your and/or your child’s photo taken, please contact Danielle Anguish for children’s programs at or (270) 826-3712 ext. 3. For teen programs please contact Glennese Patterson at or call (270) 826-3712 ext. 4.